Tuesday, July 29, 2008

IPOs and Genenral Council

And so the ultimate decision was reached yesterday to not go public at least for the next few years until I can consolidate MEDP further. Our General Council was very encouraging in that she said we should push to have an underwriter take on our application but the terms were not very favorable. Our initial IPO was relatively low and we would have to give up a sizable amount of shares to gain the capital needed for marketing. I suppose it's back to the drawing board.

An idea at this stage is to personally lobby some strategic people that may aide us in spreading the awareness of our conferences to students and staff of various universities and businesses. We are also looking into a direct mailing campaign which may be more cost effective.

Inspiring the web design team is a seemingly arduous process due to their busy nature, but where money is short, charisma can go a long way (or so I hope!).

- Jean-Paul

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